MrsShrek's all new food diary


Well, here goes ...

BREAKFAST - Actimel F/F (1.5), 28g bran flakes (B), blueberries, 250ml s/s milk (A*)

LUNCH - 2 x WW w/m bread (B), tinned salmon

SNACK - banana

TEA - chicken, stir fry veg (peppers, onions, carrot, beansprouts), 28g noodles (inc in stir fry pack) (2.5**), 100g Thai Green Curry sauce (4.5), strawberries and blueberries topped with Activia natural pouring yogurt (3), 2 x dark ryvita (B) topped with 1tbsp Nutella (4.5)

Total syns = 15.5

* I count my whole milk allowance here, but also have it in tea (but not coffee)

** This is based on a 410g pack being 11.5 syns (at least); these came within the stir fry kit.

Not a bad start I suppose. Unfortunately, I'm not a "low-syn" person and could never understand anyone who doesn't use their syns up!!
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