My Exante diary


Full Member
OK I have been here before, many times. But I am back. I will lose the weight again, I know I will, I have done this before.

The hardest thing is getting through the first few days. I want to keep note of my highs and lows, it helps, it keeps me focus.

So, earlier today I made my order, due to arrive on Monday. Over the weekend I will take some measurements and put a new battery in my scales. I will also get rid of any temptations in my cupboards and fridge.

I am looking forward to it. I hate feeling big and frumpy when it is hot outside, avoiding my reflection in mirrors or shop windows.
Hello and welcome :)

I have just come through the first few days and it was nowhere near as bad as I remembered/feared.

Good luck and I look forward to following your journey x
Thanks rolypoly!

Start day -2

Today I put a new battery in my scales (I did stand on them, and it wasn't as bad as I feared!, but I do have a lot still to lose). But 1/2 a stone at a time.

Tomorrow I will measure myself.

I am feeling very positive about it, and have spent the afternoon looking at clothes on the Internet. Hopefully I will be buying a few new things in the autumn season, one size smaller!
Well done for taking the first few steps....good luck and keep us all updated on how you get on
Thanks for the support! Wow Shrimp, you have done brilliantly!

I weighed and measured myself this morning. I am surprised and very happy to have lost a further 3lb since I gave up Exante last year. (So people don't end up putting it all back on again!!) I am ready to get bad to it and finish what I started and lose more weight.

Tummy- 97cm
Top of leg- 66cm
top of arm 36cm
bust- 109cm

Weight 13 stone 10lb
Good luck!
Well, day 1 was awful! It started off good with a rather lumpy vanilla shake at 10am. I was rushing around with my children and managed to get them some lunch, but didn't get around to having another shake until 3.30pm. By then I had a banging headache. Realising it was probably because I hadn't had very much to drink, I started drinking lots of water. I did have some bits of ketosis friendly foods to help the painkillers go down and give me the energy to get through the rest of the afternoon. By the evening, I felt so nauseous from my headache, I ended up with more painkillers and an early night. So missed my 3rd pack.

I woke up this morning with a slight headache and was thirsty. I have been slowly drinking water since 8.30, and plan to have a shake at about 10am. I am rushing around again this afternoon so I will make sure I either have a shake or bar for lunch, and of course plenty of water!!

I am hoping for a better day today!
Thanks for the support!

Day 2 done, and feeling so much better than the end of yesterday! I woke up with a slight headache which has been with me all day (and with me still), but nothing like yesterday and haven't needed painkillers. I have been drinking lots (my husband came home this evening with 6x 1.5L Evan bottles, and I have already finished off one bottle just this evening) The only problem with drinking so much is the constant loo visits! I think the bottles will help me monitor my fluid intake until I get used to it.

I have had my 3 packs today and also some ketosis snacks (cold chicken, boiled egg) to ward off hunger until I get into ketosis. I have learned from my past failures that if I don't get my hunger under control I will lose control and eat anything and everything insight! I have already started to taste that horrible taste in my mouth, so it won't be long now until I am in ketosis.

So today was a good day :)
Day 3 yesterday was awful. I ended up having both my shakes before lunch time! I then felt really nauseous and a very upset tummy all afternoon and into the evening. I thought I was hydrated enough, so I don't think it was that.

My husband (who is supportive to a point) got really cross with me telling me I had done this to myself blah blah..and that a good meal would sort me out. I had some great support from here, but I just felt awful. I didn't go and eat a meal (I couldn't face it) but I did sip some cold cloudy lemonade, which to be honest, made me feel so much better almost instantly! I then nibbled on some crackers before bed.

I woke this morning (day 4) to feel tired and weak, but after my breakfast shake I felt we'll enough to take this kids out to the cinema. I had my bar and bottle as the kids both had an ice-cream. We then went to a cafe for lunch and just drank a black tea! I am so pleased with myself!

I am feeling hungry now and it is not even 4pm! I think I will make myself a peppermint tea and busy myself in the garden.

looking back at yesterday I really think my body was craving sugar. I have reacted this way before when I have given up sugar. It was just a blip, but I am so pleased I carried on today with it, in the past that would have been enough for me to give up and try to convince myself that it just didn't agree with me. Of course my body is going to react to the change (I am so windy today!!) And the support I received from here was great!
Day 5 today and feeling great!

I didn't sleep well last night because my daughter was up a lot in the night, but I felt I had more energy today. I did go out for a walk this afternoon, and my legs felt heavy, but it wasn't too exhausting.

I was caught out at lunch and ended up at a friends house. She pulled things out of her fridge and let me help myself. I haven't told anyone I am doing this diet. I hate having to justify myself, so I skipped the bread, and picked on some salmon and boiled egg. I wasn't even hungry!

My husband came home tonight with a box of chocolates for me, he knows how I love chocolates, especially when I am tired (he knew I had been up most of the night). When I told him I was doing exante and couldn't eat it, he looked at me with surprise and asked me if I was still doing it! I thinks I am such a quitter!

I am going to prove to him and myself, that I can stick with it and lose the weight!

roll on day 6!
Day 6 done.

The weekend! I usually find the weekend the hardest part of the week. It is usually quite a social time for us and social events nearly alway involve food!

I spent the day being unsociable thought! It is just the way things turned out, it wasn't planned. I had to run off (a friend emergency) just as tea and homemade strawberry jam and scones (with clotted cream and butter) was brought out. However, I managed it back in time for a tepid black tea though! But it was fun. I am not sure how I would have handled the scones if I had of been there. It is amazing how you can feel really strong and determined one minute, then the next you can stuff your face!!

I spent the day not really feeling hungry at all! I did have some ham as I was giving the children lunch. I have eaten proper food every day (apart from day 3 when I felt ill). Once I get into ketosis, I hope I won't need to, but I worry if I don't I may sabotage it all. I do feel tired, especially when I am active. I am not doing exercise, but when I am walking out and about my legs feel tired and heavy.

It was a good day! :)
Well done on getting through the weekend. I find them harder too - think it's because of the lack of routine. A little protein to get you through week one isn't going to do much damage and if it's helping you stick to plan, it can only be a good thing. Good luck for your first weigh in x
Thanks rolypoly. Day 7 over with (well, nearly).

I got caught out earlier. I had my shake for breakfast, then went out with my family. I thought we ould be out for a couple of hours and back for lunch. However, we were longer and the children were hungry so I stopped off for a snack. I went to tesco and found some bars. I had a chocolate a chocolate one and omg it was delicious! Much nicer than they were. I used these bars successfully last year when I was doing exante, I hope they haven't changed the content too much. Plus I had a coke zero and a pork chop.

I feel tired again today, but I have been more active. I am going to start some exercise tomorrow, which will be the start of my second week...and it's weigh day!!! I feel excited about it, I am looking forward to seeing what the scales think of my first week. (I got my period yesterday so I am a bit bloated).
Day 8 and week 2!

Weighed in this morning 8lb lighter than last week! I have managed a week on exante and smashed my first goal to lose 7lb!

I am feeling happy!! :)
Hi and welcome back. Well done for getting through your first week. Looking forward to following your weight loss.
Day 9 today.

For the past 2 nights I have struggled to sleep at night. I have struggled with insomnia on and off for the past 2 years. Not very often, only about once a fortnight I have about 2 hours sleep. But the last 2 nights I haven't slept well. Normally when I am tired in the day I would start with sweet carbs early in the day and continue eating throughout the day to give me energy. So today was difficult. I have been drinking skimmed milk in my tea today as I really have needed it.

I have managed to get through another day with children off school too.
Well, I managed it through my first week...then this week had been just awful! With it being school holidays I am so out of routine. I am constantly surrounded by food. If I am not in the supermarket buying it (for my kids) then I am at home preparing meals and endless snacks. I am sure it will be easier once they are back in school.

I have been really struggling. On wednesday I was so thirsty, so I went to buy a drink in the park and they had run out of water, so I ended up drinking a diet orange drink which kicked me out of ketosis and gave me huge sugar cravings!

Yesterday I woke up and weighed myself (yes I know I shouldn't do it, but I do everyday to keep me focused) and the scales told me I had out on 7lb!!!!!! So I ate!

Today I was better, but it is hard to get back into it. The strange thing is I am not even really that hungry!

I did think I could wait until the children are back at school, but no more excuses...back into it...not tomorrow, but right now!

oh and my husband bought me a jawbone up!
Keep at it! You know you will regret further Down the line, I read in someone else's thread that they were told to think of exante as medicine so you're taking it to get better (lose weight) and just remember all the food will still be there when you're slim and you'll be able to enjoy it without any guilt! Good luck x