Big Mamma

:) Well hello

its day 6 on my little journey and i just thought i would tell everyone about my week so far . I am on the ss+ and didn't get hungry at all for the first 4 days then yesterday we celebrated being together one year by having a meal and lots of gin :eek: which in turn has left me starved today :( . I am so excited about this diet though as ive been obese for 10 years so i relised its now or never and i can already see results so happy days i say but i need to behave from now on ..good luck everyone ill be back on tuesday night with a weight update ...sooo exciting xx
Big Mamma said:
well week two only 2lb down ...must do better

Two pounds u won't c again, two pounds closer to goal. Well done :)
2 pounds is 2 pounds in the right direction and if you can see what it looks like its. Good achievement.... (says me who always moans lol)

Well done keep going xxx

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