Hi Beth, thanks for replying, it would be really nice if we could support and encourage each other to stick to SF and lose the weight, I bet you are really excited about your holiday, a holiday is always a great incentive for me to lose weight,
we are not going abroad this year as we are saving to take our two children to disneyland next may but we have a week in Wales booked and I've just booked a weekend to centre parcs in August so I'm hoping that will encourage me to stick to it especially as most of my summer clothes are feeling tight and I want to feel more comfortable and confident in a swimsuit at centre parcs.
Well done on the 3lb loss that is really great, your mum and sister must be really pleased with thier 4lbs too, its great you are all doing it together. Well my first day has been good I just have to be careful tonight as the evenings are always the tough time for me but i am actually feeling really determined not to slip up and be good so I should be ok.
Speak soon