My First weigh in!


I just had my first weigh in and have lost 8lb in the first week! I'm soo happy, I can't believe how well it works! I'm going away for the weekend so I have been told to have breakfast and lunch Lipotrim and then my evening meal with no carbs and I can drink white wine and soda with my meal, then as soon as I get back start TFR again, any advice about what I should or shouldn't eat for my meals much appreciated :)
Well done u that's great :D for I'm so scared to eat now haha xx
Haha, I feel a bit like that as well actually, its only because were going to visit my Dad and his fiance at their new house in Brighton, it will be the only time we see them this year, so wanted to enjoy the evenings out, its more really that I wanna drink alcohol than eat to be honest, but you can't drink on lipotrim alone, lol!