My maintence diary (critizim, advice and kicks up the arse welcome)

only having 2 meals and 1 shake this week hoping i can lose abit ! picked the dress i wearing to wedding bought it online tried to attach it hope it works, and goin to wear my jane norman dress the following night, as there is music in local pub !


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That's exactly what I was going to say :) x
thanks girls, hopefully will look ok on me if i can buy the good underwear that covers all!!!

2 lb down , thrilled i know i was aiming high, but i'm glad i did, and now that i have the dress it can only look better with every lb i lose!!! and should def be at goal for xmas !!!
Well done Nicola on the 2lb loss....GO GIRL!!! At this rate, you WILL be at goal by Christmas, no doubts about it.

Have a great weekend :)!!!!!!!
well guy's had a good weekend, went for a hack on horse in friends house yest morning and she had coffee and home made scones, brown bread butter & jam waiting for us, but i didnt eat it,
did well food wise and more importantly tried on dress for wedding fri night (just in case i had to go shopping)
so it fits! and whats more looks good (i think) i called my 9 yr old up to c it "wow mam you look so skinny" she said i was thrilled, and think the spandax or what ever they r called will do the job! can't wait to get hair and all done and post picture c what ye all think !

hope everyone had a good weekend ;)
well guys another lb down so happy with that, only a week to go now till wedding,

have not been on forum much :( sorry havent even read the posts :(
going on a hunt/chase with horse and my daughter and her pony on sunday, so have been practising all week
trying to leave work early so can get out and ride before dark,
neither of us done it before so very nervous and excited

hope every1 has a brill weekend
Well done on your lb - that's brilliant!

Sunday sounds exciting! Hope you have a lovely day and it goes well xx

hi everyone, went to wedding yest had a great day, off out again tonight i not able for this! getting to old!
will post pictures in album,

hope every1 well