Hey congrats on your first 4 days of sns

6lbs in 4 days is fantastic! You must be thrilled well done and its great to see you made a positive step after your small slip up you recognised what you did wrong and you put it behind you and got right back on track. Most people would go on self destruct mode but you didnt, thats great it shows how committed you are to having a happier healthier life
Are you doing the simplicity plan then judging by your posts? I did that my first few weeks but now have 2 days a week lifestyle just missed veggies and protein. The chocolate shakes are lovely. Have you tried them warm they're like a really creamy indulgent hot chocolate?
I'm a similar age Im 22 I started this 4 weeks ago as of today I've got my 4th weigh in tomorrow best advice is take your measurements as those weeks where your losses seem disappointing lbs wise you tend to find your body is catching up in inch losses

I started at a weight of 14st12lbs and on last tuesday I was 13st5lbs I completely agree about food for me it was bread and chocolate were the hardest especially as I started before easter
Im sure you could lose at least 3st by july I couldnt guess anymore than that as I havent been long enough on sns to say from personal experience and because everyone is different but the average I would say could be 3 stone but maybe more not sure really.
Good luck and welcome any questions about the diet everyone on here and the sns forum is very helpful.
We're all in this together we can do this