Names? Ages?


Gold Member
So, we all have our usernames but do we have real names? I feel a bit of a plonker calling people "dietkitty" and "starlight" etc etc haha

Babystar - Mandy (27)

Lets keep addin to it....and be a little less formal lol xx
:eek: But Starlights my actual name

captaincollins is really a 27 year old female called Sharon
Babystar - Mandy (27)
CaptainCollins - Sharon (27)
Starlight - Sandy (?)

Im a saddo, i like lists....and i like to know peoples names haha
I'm Lisa. I'm 29 and will be turning 28 in October!!!! (if anyone mentions that number after 29 I might cry)
hahaaa like it

im Paula - 26 :)
Oh no! I'm ancient compared to you lot.

I'm susan and 46.
Elvira Mistress of the Dark is actually 25 (26 in November!) year old Gem...far less exciting!!! x
InNeedOfHelp - aka Stuart (38), have added myself to the list.

Babystar - Mandy (27)
CaptainCollins - Sharon (27)
Starlight - Sandy (?)
InNeedOfHelp - Stu (38)
My name is Jasna and I'm 27.
I know, it's like the weirdest name in the world (hence why people call me Jas).
I'm a belgian girl living in Ireland ;)

Babystar - Mandy (27)
CaptainCollins - Sharon (27)
Starlight - Sandy (?)
InNeedOfHelp - Stu (38)
Sparkling_Fairy - Jasna (27)
I also start to age backwards once I hit 30.
SO 29 for the first time, second year of being 29 shall be next April
I'm Sarah.. Sarah - Jane when being reprimanded.

Bev (48 OMG), though my signature might give it away a bit! Should have retained that air of mystery.