Naughty but starting again!

Hey all,
Pls could do with some words of support, am having to start again.
Was on holiday for the past 10 days and although I was good.... it was hard to stick to Cruise simply because we were in a B&B and had to eat out every night.
I generally stuck to Nicoise salads with no dressing and walked about 10 miles a day but still come back to a horrible weight gain!
Not gonna let it stop me though! This is for life not just for Christmas :sigh:
But could just do with a few motivational words to get me back on track... please don't shout :(
U only life once and I hope u enjoyd ur hols ! Its a new day so dont let it get u down. Its not like u took a year off !! Only ten days, u can definatly come back from that.
Good luck to u :)
k x
It doesn't sound like you went majorly off the rails so I wouldn't worry too much. Get cracking on it again and i'm sure u will be fine! I went a bit AWOL recently as I have tonsilitis so ended up having icecream and stuff. Feel so bad for it but been dead good today and back on it! You will be fine I am sure :) x
I'm probably in a similar position....
I had done ok, started a couple of weeks ago & had lost 9lb. It was my birthday last weekend (partying/food etc lasted a week!) anyway I am back on it today & I've put about 5lb back on :0(
Good luck & I hope you can get back on track!
You are probably in a better position to start because now you have the experience of what happens when you step off the path for a while, so you know what works and what doesn't, and why.

That will help you make the choices you need to make to get to the weight you want to be and stay there.
It's easy to go off course, but it's just as easy to get back on it again :) We've all been there!

The one thing NOT to do is think...ooh ive had a rubbish day food-wise today, so I may as well eat this bag of minstrels, or have all this wine.... It's never too late in the day to get back into Dukan mode!

Don't beat yourself up and get back on track. Dukan is very much an all or nothing but so so worth it!!

Progress not perfection I say but Dukan witches may disagree xxxxx

Don't beat yourself up and get back on track. Dukan is very much an all or nothing but so so worth it!!

Progress not perfection I say but Dukan witches may disagree xxxxx

Love that phrase...progress not perfection! We set ourselves up far too often to be perfect, and as far as I can tell, I haven't met a perfect person yet! ;)