Need a bit of reassurance on exercise


New Member
Hi all,
I am new to the forum but have been on SW (going to classes) since March. I have been losing weight quite steadily and have so far achieved a 6 stone loss. I still have the same to lose again so decided to take up exercise to help with the excess skin and hopefully speed up my losses but I'm finding it more of a problem than anything! In the 5 weeks since I started the couch to 5k I have stayed the same weight and now I have put on! This can't be right, I know this can happen for a couple of weeks when you start exercise but 5?
Can anyone offer any advice? Thinking of jacking in the exercise if it's gonna have this effect


S x
Hiya Sarah,
I remember a person at my group last year, was losing really well and then she wanted to pick up exercise and noticed she was maintaining or gain lbs. she was so upset bless her. she stopped for awhile till she started losing again and then picked up closer to her goal weight and it worked
maybe your body is in shock mode? holding on to it, storing it. or you are gaining muscle weight, which was what she was doing. Maybe keep with it, till it evens out. Muscle gain will help towards the excessive skin also.

But i was going to do a post about excess skin, as im reading and looking at transformation photos and videos to give me some motivation but all i see is saggy arms which im scared I'll get. looking into palmers cocoa butter tightening skin range to see if this will help along side exercise but slimming world stories are very good at leaving out the dark side to weight loss if it is a big loss - excess skin :(
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Hi sarah,

Have you tried doing any measurements? Are you looking more toned? Do your clothes feel looser? I know that when I up my exercise it dfoesn't always show on thr scales, but people start to notice that I'm looking trimmer and my jeans suddenly start falling down!

Keep up the exercise ( it will improve your obverall health and mood as well as help with the weight loss). Don't get disheartened x
Thanks ladies, had a bit of bad news 2 weeks ago, as a result the exercise was neglected, I was off plan most days and afterwards...... 5.5lbs loss! I have given up on the logic behind this! Perhaps exercise just doesn't agree with me
Sometimes exercise can greatly increase our hunger. Although it burns calories, if it increases your appetite more than the calories it burns, then you are going to not lose as much weight or even gain some.

You can't gain muscle when you are in a calorie deficit as you need a calorie surplus to add muscle. But sore muscles do need to hang on to water to repair themselves, so this can show as a gain on the scales. But after a couple of weeks that should settle down, if it doesn't you might have to try and find a balance between exercise and food that still works for weight loss.

I'll carry on to exercise even if it means I will lose a bit slower as I want to be fit and healthy. Losing weight will definitely be healthier for me, but I know some very slim people who couldn't run for a bus lol. I want to be slim and fit, not just slim. So I exercise but try and limit it to not too much cardio. Cardio increases my appetite a LOT. So for me, I do swimming and walking for cardio and lift weights for shaping my body xx