Full Member
Hey everyone, sorry I havn't posted in a while!
my weight loss is going good still
It's just slowed down alot at the mo :sigh: and I think it's because of my night time eating habits
I can have a portioned controlled, healthy breakfast and dinner perfectly fine and I won't be hungry but as soon as 4:00 hits the clock my stomach goes into overdrive!! :sigh: I get really hungry and feel like eating something big and heavy, I have my healthy portioned tea although I do make it something that will try and fill me up but not long after I get hungry again and I usually go for the bread as a filler
I have a bit of an addiction to it I think
So....I really need to find something that's filling but healthy! I always have fruit in, that I eat as a snack but at night time I always feel like something heavy...bready, or cereal but then I feel like I'm eating another meal!
It's just annoying me now
I'd like something quick and simple to eat, and not too pricy either lol
Any suggestions??
Oh and I'm a vegetarian!