I have always loved the concept of the slimming world diet and have family members who have followed the plan and gone to the support groups for years. ive had off and on success with the SW diet in fact I got down to 9st from being 10st 7lb when I was 14-15. Now I know that a lot of you may be thinking "why the hell were you trying to lose weight at 14! That's crazy" and if any other young girl told me she was doing this I would say the same thing. The sad fact is that My mother was always dieting from a young age and had a total complex when it came to her weight as a 5ft 8in woman in her early 20s she was a very slight 8st 7lb but to her she was still fat and it was never enough for her. Even sadder than that though at one point she was bulimic and made herself very ill... I think growing up around all this weight related stress definitely had an effect on me but I'm determined to turn my back on silly weight loss fads and crash diet I want to be healthy a little bit slimmer and happy with my body! Please if anyone out there wants to buddy up even if it's just for bit of a chat then that would be lovely