Needing lots of support


New Member
Hi there, im new to the site and am re-joining WW again this week for what must the the 100th time.
Ive been battling with my weight for years. Sometimes I think the only thing that will work is a
gastric bypass but I really dont want to go that route.
I have a lot of weight to lose,and I am hoping to get suggestions for meals and some moral
I am so ashamed of my weight I am the only person who knows it. I wouldnt tell my family or friends
or even post it here :eek:
Please wish me luck,I will visit often!
Hoping to lose 7lbs as my initial target.
Hello I joined the forum on Monday and it's been helpful to me.
I wouldn't tell anyone my weight and my mother asks me all the time but I won 't tell her!
I am happy to put it on here as its supportive and I can see that there are others like me.
I hope that you do well :)
Hi, good luck with WW! I'm new to MiniMins so still getting my head around some bits but it really is fab and so inspiring. I read the success stories when I'm struggling and so far it has been a massive motivator :)