Never dieted in my life. HELP

Bluebell sonia

New Member
Hello, I have put 5 stone in in the last 4 years going from a skinny size 10 to an uncomfortable size 16 and weighin 14st 3. I got a new job in a different part of the counrty and had to move quickly to start the job, so renting , then have gradually moved my family down here, over the past 4 months I have eaten fast food, and put yet another stone on.
I started the exante diet on Monday, and was distraught by teatime, so had an egg and cress sandwich, followed quickly by two weetabix and milk ( with loads of sugar ) and then went out and bought a Mcdonalds!!!!! However I have stuck to the total solution rigidly since then, and I am so so so fed up. It's a Friday night, I want to go for a glass of wine with hubby, and maybe have something to eat.........but no, just a sickly shake and black peppermint tea.
I'm wondering whether to just cut back on food and be slightly plump and get over it, and just enjoy my life, or whether to be bloody miserable for the next month just to stay in ketosis.
To all you dieters out there, my hat goes of to you, I really admire your resilience.
Sonia, I'm no expert on diets, they always depress me, but if you are thinking of a specific one maybe join one of the specific forums, seems like a lot of support going on (I'm new myself!)

I was size 14 heading on 16, and would love to go back to 12, or in my wildest dreams maybe 10 (I was 10 pre-babies). I will be your buddy if you want!:) We can motivate each other

Print a pretty picture of yourself when you were 10 and one from now, and stick them both on the fridge or biscuit cupboard, that will make you think twice what you eat. I find myfitnesspal great for keeping track, only using it a week and already seeing HUGE difference!
A low carb diet like Atkins will put and keep you in ketosis, plus you can eat, lots!

All the best with your loss