New Beginnings


Hi Everyone!!

I'm new! I'm in my first week of starting a healthy lifestyle! I'm following the slimming world diet from home!! I'm doing this with my mother, I'm hoping I can encourage her to stick to it!!

My first goal is my holiday in 11 weeks! I would like to lose enough to feel that little bit more confident about myself!

I've been going on daily walks & I've ordered a mountain bike! :)

I'm hoping that by joining this community it will encourage me to hang in there :)

Here's to a new beginning!!!!

B x
Hi there, welcome to Minimins :)

How are you finding SW? Sounds like you have a good plan exercise wise, keep it up!
Thank you!! I'm finding it well! I like that there is so much variety!! When you think diet you automatically think salads etc but with SW you can have anything so long as its accounted for :)

Are you using SW?
Yep I'm doing SW too, love it! I've lost nearly a stone and feel much better for it, like you say you don't feel deprived on it either.

How much would you like to lose in the 11 weeks before your hols?
Just as much as possible really! It's giving me a goal to keep going at it!! Any loss will really boost my confidence!! :) What are your goals?
I'm breaking it down into half stones, would like to lose nearly four stone in total and I'm a pound off of the first stone :)
I lost 10lb in my first week, which has really shocked me! I also want to lose 4 stone, well 3 stone 4lb now :) I know this is because it's my first week!! It will become more steady as time goes on :)
Wow 10lbs is amazing, well done you, you're off to a great start!
Stayed the same this week but it was deserved cos I was out for dinner Saturday and Sunday, never good when you have a Monday weigh in!