new girl


hi just started LT today is it just me or has anyone else felt full on one shake.I did this a few months ago and i couldnt stick to it i put a stone on after i stopped it . has anyone got any tips on it. i have my sons communion in may and i hope to have 2 stone gone!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused::confused::confused:
You'll easily lose it by then. You have to be determined. Its not an easy diet by no means. The first few days are hell, but once you get through them you'll find it so much easier. Drink plenty of water and I mean PLENTY, make sure you have the three shakes even if you do feel full. If you feel weak (with me usually in an evening), I go and have a lovely hot bath and pamper myself. Good luck....You'll do it this time!!
When Do You Start To Take Fibre Clear I No A Girl Who Said You Dont Take It For 2 Or 3 Weeks????????
I've never had to take it. I just drink about 5litre of water a day and about two of that I have hot.....I think that helps things move naturally;)