Starting a new job this evening, soooo nervous Its only part time but will do me until I find a good full time job Wish me luck! I hate that new job feeling, im so scared!!!
aww thanks - its just a data entry job but yknow that feeling you get - will people like me, will i be able to do the job properly blah blah blah :sigh:
Good luck. Try and enjoy it. The first few weeks of a new job are my favourite. Your to-do list is clear, there is lots to learn, new people to meet and if anything goes wrong you can say "oh I'm sorry I'm new here". x
and the good thing is, iv lost 17lbs so my confidence is getting better all the time too yaaay wont feel so much like the fat kid in class
thanks everyone xx
Well that wasnt so bad! Didnt do any work tonight, just got shown around, signed contracts etc, everyine was really nice though! Yay! And we got let home half an hour early frm training yaaay!
I have ANOTHER new job!! The last one was only part time to tide me over but I started a job yesterday on a hospital for the NHS doing Admin and i loooove it!!! yaaaay! finally getting back on track!! although it means im not doing as much exercise now - although it as 15 mins to work from the train, and 15 mins back, thats good i suppose???