New journey


New Member
Started my weight loss journey again today after a shocking result on the scales this morning. BMI of 45.8 would love to get it down to 30 so I could have a better chance to have a child with my husband.
Started my weight loss journey again today after a shocking result on the scales this morning. BMI of 45.8 would love to get it down to 30 so I could have a better chance to have a child with my husband.

I have started SW 3 weeks ago and joined mini mins today. Good luck with your journey it looks like there is a real support network on here and I am looking forward to sharing my journey whilst learning about other people's.
Thank you, I follow SW too tomorrow will be the 3rd time ive joined. Its a great programme to follow, its worked for me in the past but ive always stopped after losing 3 stone from lack of personal motivation. Determined this time though, 3rd times a charm as they say. Best of luck to you too.