new meals???

hey all...

i got these 2 free samples in ma order yesterday...there both silver rectangles and i have no clue wat they are or how to make them...

on top of one it says pizza and the other is chicken curry...are these soups? or wat??? i cnt seem to find them on the website newun???
wafers maybe?
Yeah, sound like wafers :). 1 and a half is supposedly the right amount for a women's meal but you can apparently have 2 if you have them spread out over the day. And you can't have a bar on the same day too. I haven't tried the pizza or curry ones tho. They have mixed reviews :).
oh right...hmmm pizza wafer??? doesnt sound very appetizing but i guess il give it a try lol...they do feel like wafers but dint wana open them until i knew how t use them....

thanks for the info guys....happy dieting xxx
Someone (can't remember who) had a pizza wafer and said it tasted like Tuc biscuits and wasn't too bad. Not sure about the curry one tho.
BordersGirl said:
Someone (can't remember who) had a pizza wafer and said it tasted like Tuc biscuits and wasn't too bad. Not sure about the curry one tho.

I remember that post, not sure whether I fancy taking the risk tho, sounds horrible!
Phoenix - you'll probably get a free shake. PMSL! :D
Cant believe I didnt get a free sample , this is my 4th order and Ive spent nearly £600 , you would think Id at least get a free sample and free delivery , poor show
hey i havent tried them yet...abit scared to actually coz i still dnt understand them lol...and wat if i dnt like them??? them i cant have anythin else instead...hmmm

i thawt everyone gets samples? my sister got a free choc cereal shake the other day....lets c if i get sumthin this time x
Don't think I've had any free samples but got a free mini-shaker and measuring tape with my order today :)
I got a free tape measure and shaker with my last order. It was very nice and I thanked them BUT I had already ordered a tape measure and shaker in previous order AND I hadn't ordered any shakes in my bumper order :confused:

Still - got a kick out of my freebies as it made me chuckle

:mad:WHAT???? so unfair:mad:

right thats it , im going to lose all 30 lb in the next 6 weeks with what i have left and Im not sending them another penny of my money , theres motivation for you !!!
:mad:WHAT???? so unfair:mad:

right thats it , im going to lose all 30 lb in the next 6 weeks with what i have left and Im not sending them another penny of my money , theres motivation for you !!!

Aw - deffo no fair ;)

Aw thanks toots, have calmed down now lol am now trying to work out if I have enough to get me to goal , me thinks probably not !!

30lb@ 3lb per week is 10 weeks

3 packs per day x 70 days is 210 packs

hmm definitely not then , only have about 170 and most days i have 4 packs

did someone say that lots of people on exante have the slimfast bars?
did someone say that lots of people on exante have the slimfast bars?

No, they have the Biggest Loser meal replacement bars (not the snack ones) or the Tesco Ultra Slim bars.

You'll have to drag some of those bars and shakes out of the garage and use those :)
Buy the spag bol from the low carb megastore :)