Green Days new member! - green day


New Member
hi I was just wondering if any of you could help me, I think I kno alot about slimming world as my mum has ways gone but find green days so much easier to do!

I love the batchelors savoury rice and pasta n sauce's - also just cooking slimming world chips, jacket potatoes or pasta in general. Just a few things I'm stuck on..

What free / low sun sauces could I use for pasta?
What fillings do you recommend for jacket potatoes?
And I'm currently at university so finding thing to take with me all day is frustrating! I'm there from around 9-6! ( I eat a lot )

I'm not currently overweight whatsoever I just want to gain a holiday body so I can't participate in the slimming world groups :( so any help would be appreciated! Thank you.
Hi Bex

I only do Green days as I'm veggie. I make the SW arabiatta sauce to have with my pasta and in jacket potatoes I have cottage cheese, beans (with or without added cheddar) and sometimes homemade vegetable chilli.

I take lunch to work with me every day. I find the Mugshots really handy and some of them are free and I like the packs of couscous too which are usually only a couple of syns and so easy to make up. I don't have any cooking facilities at work so bought a little Thermos and make up soup to take with me. I try not to make it too thick so that I'm able to drink it out of a cup which is much more convenient for me.

Hope this helps x
If you're not overweight, do you really need to follow the SW plan? Why not just cut down on junk food/booze etc and up your excercise to tone up?
Thanks bev that does help! I don't eat beans either which doesn't help!

Spaghetti hoops are free though right?

And I want to follow slimming world because I eat junk a lot and finding something to motivate me will help with my health. I'm in Uni til very late far away from home 5 days and work for another 3 so I don't really have time for exercise! I just want to change my life style.

Thanks :)
SW has definitely been an education for me and I feel like I've learned a lot about 'good' and let's say 'not-so-good' foods and I feel healthier now than I've ever been before. If you're not overweight though, maybe concentrating more on the body magic side of it will help with toning etc.

I think spaghetti hoops are free on Green and EE.