New "Miracle" Weight Loss Pill


Full Member
Just been reading about Meratol which is supposed to increase metabolism, reduce calorie intake, block carbohydrates and burn calories all at once. It's £29.99 on-line but will be sold in Boots and Lloyds in March. Anyone going to try it?
they are from a uk manufacturer and completely safe to use i have just ordered 3 months supply will let you know how i get on xx

3 stone to lose and counting lols !
may well be safe but i would have to advise anyone as i am no dr or pharmacist that you shouldn't take anything without your dr prescribing or agreeing it is ok for you to take it [granted i am a hypocrite and in the past tried slimming stuff from boots like appesat ]but really couldn't advise anybody to touch anything
Google sites that offer all the usual suspects, click the news tab and you get a couple of sites "online news today" which provides no news and i suspect is only there to make this product look like its been in the press and "fast pitch press" which is just another advert page. When orlistat etc came onto the market the press were full of it, it was proven to work etc....yup, its just another herbal remedy that may have a some benefit but its largely a placebo effect. Some over the counter products may help some people but I don't think this is one of them.
I think ordering 3 months supply without any proof it works or without seeing any medical approval certificate is what keeps the pill selling crooks in business. Every one of us on this forum has a common goal and leaves us all vulnerable to people who prey on our desire to be slim. How many people have wasted money on 'miracle' cures? More to the point, how many people have died taking unknown pills bought off the internet?????

Just my opinion
wish people would read things properly daily express, uk manufacturer and yes its working ive lost -5lb already in 6 days, just eating what i normally have, im well happy, no faddy diets either just cut my portions a bit but no diet products, its up to the individual. Nicola mcLean lost weight with capsiplex which is one of the ingredients in meratol, will keep you posted on loss.
Will be interesting to see if it works, but personally I won't be buying any more until I see a LOT of positive feedback from a lot of people. I've bought so many over the years, Alli, adios, Lipobind, Thermoslimmer to name just a few, and I've lost plenty of pounds, from my purse, unfortunately. Not in weight! :)
Hey, this is my first post. My meratol arrived today so am going to post weekly and let you know how I'm getting on. Am 13 stone 7lbs at the moment and would love to get down to 10 stone so fingers crossed it works! Am going to exercise 3 -4 times a week alongside it as know when i cut back on food and exercise more I lose appx 2lbs a week so I can compare how well meratol works compared to usual. Am so excited!! I've set up a blog on here called My Meratol Diary which I'll update every 3 days and I'll put weekly photos on so you can all see how I'm doing! Xx
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I'm such a sucker for these things, Im always trying the new pills.
At the moment I take the chocolate banana pill - they do seem to decrease my appetite, it's probably a placebo effect but it stops me getting hungry and that's all that matters I guess!
I'm such a sucker for these things, Im always trying the new pills.
At the moment I take the chocolate banana pill - they do seem to decrease my appetite, it's probably a placebo effect but it stops me getting hungry and that's all that matters I guess!
What's the chocolate banana pill???
whatever works for the individual is ok, but I think we know that the best way to lose weight is consume less calories than we burn off. If you don't tackle the root of the problem, then even if the pill works (and it probably will), then as soon as you start eating normally, the weight will creep back on. Unless of course you start eating healthily again. And if you are going to do that, then you may as well have just done that from the start and save yourself a bundle of money in the process.

However, that is only my opinion, and I really do hope that it is different for you, so good luck.