New Shredded Wheat Allowance


Full Member
I have just been reading the new book and noticed that the Healthy Extra B allowance of Shredded Wheat is now 1 1/2 rather than 1 and a Ryvita like it used to be.

I usually take my breakfast to work and measuring out 1 1/2 biscuits will be pretty annoying and messy. Do you think just having the usual 1 biscuit will be fine?
Kingsbottom said:
I have just been reading the new book and noticed that the Healthy Extra B allowance of Shredded Wheat is now 1 1/2 rather than 1 and a Ryvita like it used to be.

I usually take my breakfast to work and measuring out 1 1/2 biscuits will be pretty annoying and messy. Do you think just having the usual 1 biscuit will be fine?

Our consultant suggested, if you have shredded wheat every morning, to have 1 then first day and 2 the second etc rather than faffing with halves :)