New start for a new me


Full Member
Just incase anyone passes by and wants to say hello.
I'm back to calorie counting tomorrow.
Itll be almost a year to my youngest daughters wedding and have tge most amazing mob dress to wear but in a size I can't yet fit into so I have no option but to slim into it, which is how I'm going to tackle my being overweightness! Is that a word even?
Weighing in tomorrow morning.
Not sure how bad it'll be but that's fine, got to start somewhere.
Nervous but excited too. Can't wait to feel better about how I look and feel.

H x
Morning, I'm here. I chat to myself here everyday and it's great to have someone to sat hello to.... hello 🤗
I can't believe you have the dress already. My son is getting married in October and I bought a dress last week. I'm having second opinions though,not the size but the colour.
Beat of luck with your journey
Thanks for replying, I'm late, as still not started but tomorrow's another day.
Yes it's my incentive which, now as it's just under a year, I've got to do something soon, hopefully tomorrow.
I've also a holiday booked mid Oct so I'd like to loe a bit before then.
I'll update my weight tomorrow morning.
There's just so much choice out there isn't there :)