Starting the exante diet tomorrow and looking for some info on how to go about it? Is it ok to drink diet juices or just water and coffee xx How much water does anyone recommend for bst results x
Well thats day one nearly done. Stuggled a bit with the water think ive managed about 2 litres so far but so cold outside so having more coffee. So far so good. x
Just thought if pop in and wish you luck
There's a list of drinks we can have somewhere.
The water thing does get easier. I often have 4 litres a day now xx
Thanks Little miss, looked at the thread for drinks so have a few ideas now other than water x. Day 2 has gone down well but why when you say 2 people that you are ona diet plaN DO THEY FEEL THE NEED TO CRITICIZE !! Instead of supporting you get comments like you will never last!, that cant be good for you or my all time favourite your tall so you carry it well!!!! So off putting at times. Dont know if friends just mean well and try to save my feelings but id rather have support not criticism!! Rant over lol xx
Well day 3 down and sipping my last shake, Banana seems a bit bland but suppose i will get used to it. Got some coke zero 2day so having a glass of that as well as my water managed about 2.5 litres 2day so getting a bit better. Had a bit of a headache todaybut went away of own accord so wasnt too bad Wanting to get on scales but trying hard not too at least for 1st week so roll on Tuesday morning x
Well 2 nite will be the tester for no wine!!:sigh: sipping at my coke zero in my sparkly wine glass!!! lol x Today was a good day for food no cravings and no hunger sothat was good but still struggling a bit with water. Will just have 2 gradually try and up it x
Hi Martine you're doing really well, you have got the first 3 days over so it should get easier.
Is it water in general you are struggling with or the fact that it's cold? I have boiled water or peppermint tea or coffee. I find that the coke or Dr Pepper makes me want to eat so I avoid them.
Good luck with your first WI xx