Attack New to dukan


Full Member
Hi everyone,
This may seem a little silly but just wondering on the Dukan would it be ok just to roast a chicken & have this for the day? Along with eggs etc ... Thank you in advance for replies xxx
Perfect! Don't use any extra oil when you're roasting though (just let the chicken roast itself) and don't eat the skin.

A warm chicken leg is one of my favourite things! I know, I should get out more ... ;)

P x
Hi Lainey, good luck with ur dukan journey, dont worry about asking questions I have only re started recently and everyone is v v helpful on here ;) I am having a 'chicken' kinda day today too! I have to get some sort of sauce to eat with it or its too dry, you can mix fat free yog/fromaige frais or quark with a bit of mustard or spices,whichever u like also you can have a tiny bit of onion for flavouring. This can help you from being bored, I love it ff yog with mustard esp on burgers or steak. You could re heat/cook ur chicken in some water, bit chilli and some white wine vinegar for a sweet n sour sauce flavour or add some diet coke/pepsi max it gives it a sweet flavour sauce. Not much sauce but enough for flavour! I have realised I need to try making different things to keep me from temptations! have you made the muffins, under recipes page look for toffee muffins, I make them using no toffee yog but plain and add mixed spice they really do save the day! Lovely with total o% yog and tiny bit sweetner. Also you can make some dukan quiches with whatever filling is dukan friendly these are handy for on the go or to bulk out your plate of chicken. Sorry if you know all this already, if you want any help just ask, everyone has been in same place , one thing I learnt is eat before you get too hungry. good luck xx
Dont think you're allowed to eat the chicken wings but i may be wrong