New to Plan


*waves hello*

*waves nervous hello*

I have been faffing about for ages not really following any plan... and today I weighed myself and didn't like what I saw.

I was wondering what plan to follow and I thought I would try something different - WW. Last time I tried WW (sucessfully to an extent) was about 20 years ago. So I am looking forward to a new plan and a new me.

Any hints and tips warmly received... I will be doing this from home. I use a smartphone - is there an app? Any way I can do it on the cheap?

Clueless..... but willing....

Judith & Pickle the wonder dog
Hi Judith and welcome :)

Im a WW returnee having used PP in the past. There are a couple of apps out there but i dont use them so cant remember exact details. Have a wee look or wait for someone who knows.

Any questions you may have then just ask away on here.

Good luck with your journey.
I use a really good app called myscoreplus it was only a few pounds and I find it better personally than ultimate value x
Thanks for the reconmendations.

I tried downloading the free ap - but I didn't have enough space in my memory for it - after I had deleted a lot of apps.

And I'm a mere pled! I have an android an not an iPhone!

Managed to track everything on the website (I paid to join there - wanted to see how everything worked)... and although I am still getting used to it I am quietly enjoying myself!

Judith & Pickle