New to slimming world


Full Member
Hello everyone!

I'm starting slimming world tonight at 16 stone. I've already lost almost 4 stone on my own but the past month has been rubbish and I've plateaued. So here goes!

Any tips???

Hello everyone!

I'm starting slimming world tonight at 16 stone. I've already lost almost 4 stone on my own but the past month has been rubbish and I've plateaued. So here goes!

Any tips???


Well done on doing so well so far - I find that sticking to the basic rule of one third superfree if you are doing EE is crucial and also for me I find using my syns to enchance my meals rather than stock piling them for chocolate or wine means I'm enjoying my meals enough not to need inbetween snacks.
Syns are there to be used - don't try to get by without them - you're more likely to feel deprived & end up off plan.
Good Luck. When's your weigh in?
Thanks for the tips - I think I am going to do extra easy. I had initially thoght i'd try to do without syns but I completely see your point and really don't want to fall of the wagon! How do you deal with eating out? As far as I can see at the moment, that's the only thing i'm going to really struggle with.

My first weigh in is tonight!! Argh!

Good Luck for WI.
Eating out - I don't bother with Chinese or Indian anymore - there are so many gorgeous SW recipes for it I don't bother. If I was going out for a meal I'd opt for steak or lamb and if possible have veg with no butter/oil but if it wasn't possible I'll have the veg and a green salad with tomatoes instead of potato/rice. (You can have some olive oil as a Healthy Extra B so I'd tweak it and count whatever was on the veg as my HEB) Syns would be whatever sauce. Not a big fan of desserts but if there was something lush I'd have it and enjoy it, then reduce my syns to under 7 a day for rest of week.
I really thought I'd miss chips and greasy stuff far more than I do - took the kids to McDonalds recently and had melon chunks I brought with me (think there chicken salad is piss poor and not worth having) and sneaked a few of the kids chips but before I'd have had a large chicken sandwich meal and still sneaked the chips! I even decided to have 2 days off plan last week and had no desire for chipper or chocolate - feeling good about yourself is far more important than a slice of pizza to me ....
You're obviously doing really well - very impressive!!! I've been losing weight with my husband and we have lost about the same but he is now very skinny and needs to maintain his weight or gain a few pounds. I'm fairly sure that this is why i've not managed to lose much recently! I'm really hoping that following a proper diet will help. I've got a couple of nights out coming up before christmas though and am already worrying about what i'll have! Well i'll just have to do my best and perhaps skip the syns the day after just to be sure!

Your goal date isn't too far away - do you think you'll make it?

Just wanted to say well done on that 4 stone. Great achievement. Think you'll do well on SW with that determination. ;)
Thank you Ellie, I hope so too. If I can just stay away from the naughty things i'll be okay...! Eek!
I have a skinny other half and he dropped below 10 stone 7 when he was not eating chips, chocolate and takeaways but he's always on the go at work and regularly skips lunch - and runs 10k 3 times a week and swims - so he needs the calories & has now on a 50/50 % diet! He'd gotten a bit scrawny.
Me - I love my food. Even "good stuff" I tend to just overeat, so trying to make changes there.
Originally my target was 12 stone 7lb for Jan 2013 but as it got nearer and seemed acheivable I changed to 11 stone 5lb but not pushed when it happens. That said there's 8 weigh ins (possibly 9 ) to my birthday - 1.5 loss each week & a sts for Xmas week would take me below 12 stone .... that would be the best Xmas present ever - we have a family new year gathering and last year was there in a size 22 poncho thing - this year it might be a size 12! And it took me nearly 6 months after Christmas to actually do anything about it.
I really hope you get your size 12 poncho!! I'm the same though, it's not that I each rubbish, I just eat too much of everything! I love cooking so I love to bake and to put together exciting meals. And then used to eat far too much of it! Oh well, trying to change the habit of a lifetime.

I went to the group last night, and it was fine, although not many people seemed to have lost anything, most of them had gained! At this rate I could be slimmer of the week on my first weigh in!!!

I really hope you get your size 12 poncho!! I'm the same though, it's not that I each rubbish, I just eat too much of everything! I love cooking so I love to bake and to put together exciting meals. And then used to eat far too much of it! Oh well, trying to change the habit of a lifetime.

I went to the group last night, and it was fine, although not many people seemed to have lost anything, most of them had gained! At this rate I could be slimmer of the week on my first weigh in!!!

How have you been getting on this week - are you on track to get SOW ? Hoping to get a 2lb loss this week - the scales at the chemist have been broken for over a week, so think I'll have to start Weigh In somewhere else & change my day to Tuesday (I do SW online). Foodwise been ok after a wobbly last week and TOTM but still showed a pound loss (but on different scales so not sure if it's a true reading - guess will find out on Tues)
Hey I was 16st when I started a month ago...I've lost 11.5lbs since! I am doing the green plan but its no different to extra easy...some tips from me:

1. Try and have your 1/3 superfree - its good for you, plus it fills the plate and stops you piling on other stuff. Fill your plate with free/superfree food first, then the other bits.
2. Drink lots of free drinks - I love water thankfully so i drink 2L plus a day, with cups of tea/coffee on top. If you feel like snacking - have a drink - you'd be amazed how many times you think thirst is actually hunger.
3. Weigh things that need to be weighed - I personally don't weigh as I don't eat anything that requires weighing but I have heard people not bothering and wondering why the eight isn't coming off!
4. Text your consultant if you are unsure or need some support, our C is wicked and I know she is on the end of the phone if I need her!
Finally, be honest with yourself. Write everything down - look up syns BEFORE you eat, not after, as I have done a few times.