Extra Easy New to Slimming World!


New Member

I'm attempting to do slimming world on my own without joining any classes or online. So far I've figured out that I need to have 3 free meals per day, 1 healthy extra A and 1 healthy extra B, along with 5-15 Syns.

I don't eat a lot and was just wondering if you could have breakfast and dinner only with fruit in between? Some people have said you have to have 3 meals per day and the healthy extras/syns to lose more weight...is that correct?

Thanks :)
The plan is all about food (of course) and the more you eat the more you lose the reason for this is that when you eat more your body gets rid of you reserved fat. If you only eat a little bit your body will be in starvation mode and wont lose a lot I have 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day and have lost 10.5lb in 2 weeks x
Your meals don't have to be free, they can have syns, but this should be deducted from your total syns for the day.

Also, each meal should have 1/3 of the plate superfree (or speed as it is now known). You could just have fruit for your lunch but have a lot of fruit so it is like a meal, similar to how a salad can only be veg but is big enough to be a meal, itms