Attack New today


New Member

I have just started my Dukan diet this morning and was feeling ok until now.

I have been reading lots of threads showing menus of what we should eat on attack. I am sitting here eating my tea of smoked salmon, chicken, pickled onoins and gherkins. However i haven't seen anyone mention eating these pickles. Is this wrong during attack?:eek:

According to the book i have they are fine as long as I don't eat too many.

Could someone advise me please. Thanks:)
I ate them all the time on my first attempt of Attack and still lost.

Just try not to eat too many and not every day, u can do without them.

Good luck!
Thanks Zoesastar.

I just thought they would make my tea a little more interesting, but I had 4 mini pickled onions and nearly choked because of the vinegar. So I think I will stick to my fish and chicken from now on. lol!

Don't think you have done any harm having a few pickles - do scour the recipe section as there are lots of recipes that make things interesting even on attack. Good luck.
I really enjoy the pancake during attack and the yogurt/mustard sauce. I found attack to be surprisingly enjoyable - partly because I was "allowed" to eat things like salmon and grilled sirloin.

Do try the recipes, I have found each one (so far) to be really delightful! (and I test them on my boyfriend to see if it gets his approval. so far, so good!)