New ?


Hey everyone, I'm new here and to be honest I'm not sure what I'm doing ?
I have tried quite a few different diets, diet pills etc but still I end up putting it all back on!!!
So I have decided to try meal replacement ? I have never done this so I'm thinking this is the key to the new me lol
I have 8wks to loose as much as poss and as I already do 2hrs a day in the gym it's all about the food lol
So guys I need your help, what do you all suggest????
Thanks, Sally ?
Hi Sally,

Welcome on board! There are many different VLCD diets to try like Lighter Life, Exante and Slim & Save... from what I gathered from speaking to people out here, S & S seems to be a pretty good one to try and within budget. Google them and have a read. I myself have done LL very successfully in losing the weight but didn't maintain the weight loss. I am sure different people have different experiences and you have to choose the diet that suits you and your life style and what you want to achieve at the end of it.

I just started WW's and I think it is great as you can eat 'real' food and still not be hungry! I can also choose to eat whatever I want within my points and still lose weight. Hope that this helps a little. I am sure others can advise you a bit more... Good Luck! A x
I'm going to do the slimmm diet but am trying to find it as cheap as poss so I went to tescos today and got a tub of ultra slim xxx