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My name is Jo and I am 21 from England.
(it was my birthday yesterday infact :) )

I have decided to sign up to this forum and I thought it would be a good idea to help me on my journy to my ideal weight.

I was always a very petite child and am still only 5ft tall but I seem to gain weight very fast and I have no excuse for it. I am forever giving myself and my partner reasons why I am gaining it but looking back it is just my own fault. I am a self confessed greedy guts. I lost my job a few months ago and ever since then I sit at home, looking at the wii fit thinking I must play it but instead I will get a packet of crisps and watch the soaps.

I have been sat all day with a pen in my hand jotting down things I need to change in my lifestyle and things I need to face up to. I think some of the things I have come up with are very useful and I hope to share them with everyone :D

Im sorry for the over the top introduction but I wasn't quite sure what to say hehe.

I am currently 12 and a half stone and I wish to be 7 and a half stone but i think my ideal is around 9 stone as I dont want to be stick thin.

I hope to keep you updated on my journey and nice to speak to you all :D thanks for reading
Hellooooooooo & Welcome,

Happy birthday for yesterday!!!!

Im sure you will find all the support you need on your jouney to the body of your dreams :)

K xxx
Aww thankyou that is very kind. xx
hi welcome and happy birthday for yesterday x
Thank you so much :)