Newbie and brain frazzled already


Hello everyone,

Ok a little about me, I am a mum of 2 9 and 4. After my first child I went to WW and lost 9lb and kept it off, had my second child and so went back on WW as it worked last time but for some reason since they changed to pro points I didn't do well actually it didn't work and I lost nothing :(, I have tried the stupid fad diets but got so hungry I gave up.
I went to a SW meeting a few years ago but the thought of eating all that good put me off as my appetite is not large at all, but I'm not happy with my weight I'm 11lb heavier than what I want to be and so have decided to try SW again after looking through different sites the foods you eat are actually what I like and know I wont get hungry.

What I am struggling with is understanding the food groups ie free food, super free foods and ESP healthy eating a and b etc. Could someone please explain in a way I could understand so I don't go wrong at the start.

Ive looked at Petes recipes and they look fantastic now another question is what he makes could I have that each day but have a salad on the side or vegetables on the side?
Any help would be much appreciated I am going on holiday at the end of August and really hate bikini buying, I'd for once would love to go into a shop feeling confident rather than dread it.

Thank you Teresa
Welcome to this forum & SW!
With my recipes I do have a side salad with almost all of them , I follow the Ee plan, so I have my 1/3 of the plate of superfree foods (mainly fruit or veg) My favourite recipe is the Peanut butter curry, I have it every week!
Ee plan is 2/3 plate free food, 1/3 superfree food, 1 Hea , 1 Heb & between 5-15 syns per day.You really need the SW book for a comprehensive list of food for each category.
Best of luck.
Welcome along :)

SW is a sensible way to lose weight while still being able to enjoy eating realistic and satisfying amounts of food. To get the best out of the plan and to get the most up to date lists of all the healthy extras and free/superfree foods I would recommend joining your local group. While the superfree foods don't change, the healthy extras do, so I would sign up even if it's just for the first week and get all the material you need.

Good luck :D
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Hi Teresa ive done lots of little diets but a friend talked me in to joining slimming world, I had looked before and thought about joining but never did anyway like you I had a holiday booked and thought I would give it a go, I was totally confused initially by it all but after speaking with the slimming world consultant it was all so much clearer infact it was really easy, im on week 8 now and have lost something every single week, I haven't been hungry infact ive eaten better than I have in a long time,I actually love it :D Goodluck whatever you decide to do