Well lets see where do I start, from the beginning I supose:sigh:
As a child I was over weight and got teased at school, 2 x violent-controlled relationships - this lead to me eating more, which lead to low self confidence which lead me to eat more
I did lose weight by staving my self and eating an apple a day
THIS WAS NOT GOOD as I just put it all back and more!!!!
I have used CD before but then something happened in my life that caused me to fall of wagon big time and now I am back and hoping as I have never tried a site like this before it will help
I know i have will power as gave up smoking (cold turkey) and have stayed off, but yet again I turned to food again and I have now paid the price as have 6 - 8 stone to lose :cry:
My partner now is supportive, he doesnot care if I'm size 12 (when we met) or size 20 - 22 (now) he say he loves me for me!! he is slim and tall, so I always feel not good enough for him.
I will not get on a bike, swim, or anything as I feel people will look and laugh as I have lost my confidence. I think if I can lose a couple of stone it would then help me to get out there and excersise as would love to join a gym as I know I do not move enough. I work a very stressful job which could be anywhere from 7 - 13 hour days. I have 2 x children so when I get home I cook something quick, which is not helpping my kids!!! My eldest is into sport so he is fit as he burns it off, my youngest is ok at moment but I can see if I don't change my ways my bad choices will effect him and I do not want him to be like me. I get out of breath just going upstairs>
Anyway enough of the negetive I have my first WI tonight with a new conseller and let the jouney begin
Well lets see where do I start, from the beginning I supose:sigh:
As a child I was over weight and got teased at school, 2 x violent-controlled relationships - this lead to me eating more, which lead to low self confidence which lead me to eat more
I did lose weight by staving my self and eating an apple a day
I have used CD before but then something happened in my life that caused me to fall of wagon big time and now I am back and hoping as I have never tried a site like this before it will help
I know i have will power as gave up smoking (cold turkey) and have stayed off, but yet again I turned to food again and I have now paid the price as have 6 - 8 stone to lose :cry:
My partner now is supportive, he doesnot care if I'm size 12 (when we met) or size 20 - 22 (now) he say he loves me for me!! he is slim and tall, so I always feel not good enough for him.
I will not get on a bike, swim, or anything as I feel people will look and laugh as I have lost my confidence. I think if I can lose a couple of stone it would then help me to get out there and excersise as would love to join a gym as I know I do not move enough. I work a very stressful job which could be anywhere from 7 - 13 hour days. I have 2 x children so when I get home I cook something quick, which is not helpping my kids!!! My eldest is into sport so he is fit as he burns it off, my youngest is ok at moment but I can see if I don't change my ways my bad choices will effect him and I do not want him to be like me. I get out of breath just going upstairs>
Anyway enough of the negetive I have my first WI tonight with a new conseller and let the jouney begin