newbie :D


hello how are you all?

dunno if it just me or not but im finding it realli hard to diet just now as there is far to much goin on in my life rote now but i realli wanna loose crap x
Hi there,I do WW as its not like a diet at all :0) hope you manage to find something that suits you,the site is great for support.
ye i tried tht slim fast one and didnt work my weight went up :( got it bk down just findin my self not eate not tbh and onli havin like 2 meals a day but drinkin loads o water :D x just so stressed and dow wif everythin tht goin on i mean i feel i have no one xx
People on here will be happy to help you out.Thats good that you are drinking plenty of water.Do you snack aswell as the two meals? No good going hungry,that's a shame you put weight on with slim fast,I did it years ago but used the bars not the shakes.
well i do some days not eveery day fo and with parenter movin out ill onli eat like 2 meals as i neva get a break from wee one :( and yea i done the shakes made me sick :( liked the choco bars fo were good xx and i know ur all here to help just wouldnt go into full detail on here as anyone can see it xx
I can understand not wanting to go into full details on things.Sorry to hear about your partner moving out.You must be going through it right now,how old is your little one?
i hate everythin tht goin on all i wanna do is sit and cry :( dnt wanna eat and it to the point i feel sick all time :( and she one on 26.6.12 :D she is like onli fing tht keepin me goin :/ and tryin to diet wen u got loads goin on is hard as u realli just wanna make sure ur lil one ok as i know wen he goes i wnt get time to eat or go for a bath :( ill be a walkin zombie :( xx
Sorry to hear all that,do you have family or friends that can help you out until you feel more settled or in control? It's not a easy time for you and any help would be beneficial to you.Aw at you little one being nearly one :0)