Newbie Here

Evening all. I've just returned from my first Slimming World meeting and came across this site while searching for meal ideas.
I'm incredibly nervous as I've never really followed a plan like this before - and I can't really cook! I expect to eat lots of egg dishes and jacket spuds while I'm learning the ropes.

I wish I could say that I was more positive about losing weight in general but at the minute I'm pretty down about my weight, as I weigh about a stone more than I thought I did. But with the help of my lovely group and this fab site, I will get to where I need to be :)
Hello and welcome! :D You're starting at nearly the same weight as I was at xmas, and I'm now nearly a stone lighter, so have faith, if I can do it anyone can :) Loads of food ideas on here, check out the what's for breakfast/lunch/dinner threads for ideas - lots of them require little or no cooking skills but still help get the weight off! And always have a good stock of Pasta n Sauces in your cupboard for those days when cooking from scratch is too much effort! ;) Good luck x
Hi :) you should not feel down your taking a step in the right direction instead of pretending your fine (like I did for years) the cooking will come with time you'll want to experiment with different dishes and some nights you'll want to just eat beans on toast as long as its free you'll still see the lbs drop off. Good luck and give me a shout if you are in need of any recipe inspiration I live to cook
:welcome2: Good luck on your SW journey, I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine. The first few weeks is all about learing the plan and it just takes a bit more thought about meals. Don't worry about the cooking. Start with the basic no fuss foods you know you can eat and as your confidence grows you can start to experiment a bit more and try some basic recipes and take it from there. Let us know how you get on. :)