Hiya everybody, I'm new to using forums but thought it would be great to be in touch with people who can share their journeys in the hope it spurs me on to keep on track
my name is Katie, I'm 27 and have 3 beautiful little boys, aged 3,2 and 7 months. So as every year iv set my New Years resolution to lose some weight, something feels different this time tho like I actually have the willpower to do so! I weighed myself a week ago and I weighed 192lbs, so since have been making an effort to eat healthy small and regular meals and walk wherever possible, iv covered about 8 miles probably in a week! According to my scales iv lost 6lbs this week, Iv heard it's usually water to begin with but even so that's one bit out of the way
and I have to say it's made me feel a little proud of myself as usually I would crack by this stage. Iv always been a 'big girl' before I had my first son I weighed about 11 and a half stone
and for the moment iv set myself a goal of getting back to that. I feel inspired by people's success story's and seeing before and after photos, and if you are these success story's congratulations
so yeah that's me really, I'd love to hear any tips or exercise ideas I could possibly do at home? I'm a busy mum, I don't get free time to join a gym or go swimming etc. thanks if you read this, and I hope to hear from some of u and maybe make some weight loss allies!! Xx
and for the moment iv set myself a goal of getting back to that. I feel inspired by people's success story's and seeing before and after photos, and if you are these success story's congratulations