Newbie to Minimins


A big hi there and hello,

I'm new to minimins but found my way here after feeling i needed some support from fellow slimmers....i've been a Slimming world yoyo slimmer for the last 3yrs...slimming from home on the slimming world diet after getting all the basic's from slimming world and using them for 6mth paying my way until i became very ill ( brain bleed ) and the diet was put on hold.
I lost 1.5st but gained it back due to ill health and mobility problems. I started back on slimming world but due to a smaller income after having to quit my job due to not being unable to perform to the best of my abillity anymore and unable to afford the added expence, so decided to use the tools i had been given in the classes and all my information started at home....I lost 2.5st in 10mth...but came to a stand still due to other things in my life taking i had a 8mth break and was kinda happy i only gained back here i am again jumping right back on the slimming world wagon but this time i feel i'm in need of support from all of you lovely people.

I would love to hear from you all.
Hi there :) god what a time you've had!!! But glad your getting back on it as they say!! Have you got a target in mind !? X

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No not at the moment.....a friend of mine said to take it as half a stone at time and just focus on that, instead of the bigger picture as i can feel out of, i guess i could use it as a dress size at a the moment i'm currently in a size 16....i'd very much like to be in a 12.

That's a great way to do it !! That's what I've been doing half a stone at a time makes it so much easier than thinking I've got say four stone to loose x

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yeah!....the thought of putting it all out there and saying i have 3st to loose is just too big for me to no time scale or time frame, i get there when i get there...but it would be nice to be in that size 12 come nxt year. xx