Newbie with a Question

Hello all,

I will be starting my Exante The Man Plan from Monday. I currently weigh 19st with Type 2 Diabetes so you can see I need to lose a lot to beat the nasty condition.

I have ordered my 8 week plan which is made up of shakes, meals and breakfast. Fingers crossed I can stick to the plan 3 times a day. My question is can I add fruit and vegetables to the plan IE snacks etc? Also, what about tea with skimmed milk no sugar. Is that ok also?

Thank you guys
Nope no fruit or veg. They have too many carbs and will kick you out of ketosis. Trust me I've done it. Also it's probably the best time to get out of the habit of snacking...
Tea is fine and a little bit of skimmed milk won't make a difference as long as it's not a huge amount every day. The first few days will be tough. But get through those and into ketosis and it gets way easier.
I lost 7lbs this week. But no fruit or veg. Or anything actually except 3 or 4 shakes a day (4 on gym days) and masses of water (over 4 litres) and one cup of low salt bouillon drink a day. Plus black tea and coffee and leaf teas like green tea and peppermint.
Hi Bluebell,

Thank you so much for the valuable information. Ok, tough times ahead. Head down and time to get on with it.

Last question, you mentioned bouillon drink a day. I never even heard or thought of this. Is there any particular brand that you like or recommend.

Many thanks once again
That's boullion redcar! Usually found by all the stocks and stock cubes in the supermarkets!

Hope you're still doing well x


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