

Hi everyone. First day on Exante, did Cambridge 6 years ago for my wedding but following ivf treatment & subsequent miscarriages I've piled the weight back on from comfort eating. I feel so uncomfortable & miserable this size & my snoring disturbs my poor husband so have got to do something so thought I'd try this. Any hints or tips welcome especially on water intake as I'm not a big fan of plain water.
Hey pickles, welcome to the gang! :p how has day one been?

You can count black tea/coffee towards your water intake I think if that helps.. but obviously plain water is best. Have you tried the flavorings? I like the blackcurrent one, especially warm before bed!
Thanks x Day one been ok so far. I bought the flavoured coffee & have been drinking them, they're lovely. I've got the orange drink mix but not overly keen. Will try the blackcurrant one. Had the shepherds pie food pack & was pleasantly surprised. It's nice to have the food packs as when I did Cambridge I hated the soups so only had shakes, porridge & bars which meant I craved savoury like crazy.
I agree completely! I like feeling like I've had a dinner and stops me being as jealous when the OH is tucking in to his :D I used to have shakes and bars and I think it would be hard to go back there now! I like the shepherds pie most actually, with some black pepper!

I thought about trying those flavoured coffee's but I don't like coffee normally, how much do they taste of coffee vs flavouring?
I normally only like milky coffee but was really shocked how nice they are. The flavouring takes the bitterness away.

Suffering today feel queezy & s***ing through the eye of a needle (sorry tmi) hoping that doesn't last long.
Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon! It's probably all that extra water. To be honest I'm normally the other way, don't go for days once I start the diet. Strange how we all react differently!!