Newstart to Atkins


Evening all :)

I've actually been lurking around this forum for about a year now. I started off a few years ago doing Exante and did really well, losing 3 stone and going from a 16/18 to an 8 on top, 10 on bottom. I would never do a meal replacement diet again, yes I lost the weight and it left me unable to eat my old diet of junk food but it also did something to my system and I have been unable to process foods in the same way. I became intolerant to wheat, gluten and dairy, developed IBS and can't drink coffee. It does mean its easier to stick to healthy eating and thankfully gluten free is getting bigger nowadays so I don't really feel i've missed out much.

I gained about half a stone from relaxing my diet a little and I also gained muscle. I'm still a size 10 so i'm happy i've not regained a lot. I am a bit bottom heavy and therein lies the problem. I did Paleo for a while and that really helped my intolerances. I flirted with plant based but it couldn't sustain my workouts full time. I do personal training twice a week and kickboxing once a week.

My trainer tells me I need to eat more, I have been trying to increase it bit by bit as thanks to the meal replacements, my stomach is only used to small amounts.

Like most people i've heard of Atkins but I had never given it a go, though it does sound a lot like the pale diet. I've got the Kindle version of New Atkins, New You and will be starting it tomorrow. Thanks to my intolerances i'm assuming I can't eat the bars and i've also been banned from sugar and potatoes anyway so that much is easy.

I'm hoping that by posting here I will actually stick to it as its always easier to have others that are going through the same thing rather than the naysayers that have read all about it and condemn it.

I look forward to sharing your losses :)
Hello and welcome!

I did Slim and Save last year and lost a fair bit but then put it all back on.
I've tried to go back on it but can't because my body just can't tolerate it like it did the first time. I get really bad abdo pain with it. So I've switched to hight protein, low carb...essentially Atkins. I'm having a lot more success with that and I'm now almost at the end of my second week.

Stay in touch, I'd love to see how you get on :)

Meg x
Thank you :)

I've not had success I caved on the fruit when I picked up a bug that was going around. I am however getting back into it. The two most difficult things for me is porridge and fruit as those are two of my staples. But i've seen how full I am from high protein low carb and I have managed to lose a few pounds (in a total of 5 week training span) while building muscle and inch loss all round so i'm hoping a full on stick to the Atkins will help.

Did you find doing the shake diets have really affected how you process food now?