squash is the lesser of two evils for sure, but no added squash is just as jam packed with evil sweeteners...so honestly, the best thing you could do is ditch the lot. I had a 2 bottle of diet pepsi and 2 bottle of NAS squash per week habit..I kicked the lot and now use squash as a treat, weekend only kinda thing. it can be really tough adjusting to plain water, so try alternating one water one squash for a week then just water, you may find it easier. I prefer to go cold turkey.........the withdrawl was horrendous.
with SW because its based around low fat products its very sweetner heavy. .yogurts..low cal jellys.. alpens...sugar free this and that..its all crammed full of sweetners. .aswell as adding sweetners to cereals (already has lots in!) porridge..coffee/tea....so the more you can kick the better your health (inside and out!) xx