No Ketosis?


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Hello. I've been on the S&S plan since Monday. I've done it 100% so far, had loads of water, I've stuck to my quota of milk/protein/veg but today (day 4) when I POAS my Ketosis level was negative... :(

I've been working night shift on top of that to this week which which has meant that I've had about 14 hrs sleep since Sunday night but I've kept at the diet. Drinking my shakes, eating my one bar a day etc. I'm feeling pretty low right now energy wise, I actually have no idea how the Hell I made it through the night shifts this week.

I've had all the symptoms of Ketosis, coppery metal mouth (bad), hands and feet cold but rest of body warm, not been craving anything, Thirsty as a racehorse... but both ketosticks show a negative result.

I'm not going to lose motivation over it but I was just wondering if this was a regular occurrence? And if there is anything that I should be doing differently...

Any advice welcome.

Thanks. :)
Best advice is bin the sticks :)

They're notoriously u reliable. Bottom line is stick to plan you'll be in ketosis regardless what those damn things say
Starlight said:
Best advice is bin the sticks :)

They're notoriously u reliable. Bottom line is stick to plan you'll be in ketosis regardless what those damn things say

Thanks for that Starlight. You are always very helpful. I think the same thing happened to me in Exante and it is a real let down when the sticks don't play along. But I'm going to go on the symptoms (of which I have plenty).

Can you tell me if weight loss can only be achieved in Ketosis? Obviously the body goes into the Ketosis state when carbs are depleted but is Ketosis detrimental to the effect of weight loss? I'm thinking that the fact that I'm cutting out about 7000 cals a week must also greatly contribute to the process. I'm not weighing in till Monday but I've started noticing small changes already.
You'll definitely still lose with that much of a calorie deficit, ketosis or no ketosis. You will be in ketosis though if you're 100% even though the sticks say otherwise.