not feeling so well....


Silver Member
Im just coming into day 19 and I haven't felt well all night. I was almost going to head home from work. then it disappeared, now its back again. I just feel extremely nauseous. It started about 10pm and has been coming and going. I've been doing my usual with my shakes, I've only had 2 so far tonight. Don't think I could stomach the third though :( ..I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel OK apart from this extreme nausea. I've had 4 WS days since starting and the rest have been TS - I have felt wonderful up until now. I just feel poop and want to be sick but can't :jelous: ..I've also drank my usual 3ltrs of water too, so I can definitely rule out feeling poop because of dehydration...Any advice or remedies would be wonderful
Can't really help I'm afraid. Sounds as though you've picked up a bug from somewhere.

Hope you're feeling better soon!
Hope you feel better soon I had a bug like yours about two weeks ago. It turned out to be flu. Plenty of fluids and rest xxx
thanks ladies :) - I feel better now. I think I figured out what it was that made me feel sick. I take well woman tablets and you're supposed to take them with your main meal - which of course Im not really having at the moment. I was taking it with one of my shakes and felt fine but last night I took it on an empty stomach - my bad! :D