Nutella fake cheesecake!


Full Member
I made this dessert today and it was yummy! and i think its about 4 points a portion...i made 2 but the recipe was:

4 original ryvita
3 dessert spoons of nutella
packet of no added sugar vanilla angel delight made with skimmed milk.

I crunched up the ryvita in a bowl and mixed in the nutella spread.
Then i flattened it into the serving bowls and made up the angel delight with the skimmed milk so it was even lower in fat.
then i just added some on top and popped it in the fridge!
I put a few walnuts on the top of mind but hazelnuts would of been better.


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How many portions in a whole one?
Looks yummy :) Bet its worth it for 4 points :)
nom nom nom just what my tastebuds need...i know what we having for pud today!!...thankyou for the recipe..x
you get sweet ryvita too now so i wonder if that would work too, ive never had them but this looks yummy. Damn now i want chocolate :( (slumps of to get some grapes)