Gold Member
Why do men think they so far more important than us????
Me and hubby are having money problems at the moment so I'm trying to find a better job (paying more, work more hours etc etc). I have an interview next week (got my new outfit for it by the way!
) for a major bank and I really want the job. Hubby told me he should be able to sort the time off to look after the littlun while i do my training if the job was offered to me, so I went ahead and applied for the job (if he couldn't get the time off I would have waited and applied at a later date).
He's just phoned me up and told me that if I get the job then chances are my 2 weeks training will be during the summer holidays and he was hoping to work his shifts around my training and Jasmines school hours so he didn't have to take official time off but because of the summer break he can't do this!!!!!

Why do men say they can do things before they check that they actually can (I swear it's just to shut us up!
), I never would have applied if I thought he wouldn't stick to his word now if they offer me the job I'll have to explain to them I can't do the training until September because the time of year wasn't convenient for my husband and his work! I'm going to look like a total idiot and a time waster!
What makes this all worse is he tried to tell me I'm just as much to blame because I didn't remind him it was the summer holidays!
I've now told him that in future unless he knows for certain then not to let his mouth write cheques his arse can't cash!!!!

Sorry rant over!:cry:
Me and hubby are having money problems at the moment so I'm trying to find a better job (paying more, work more hours etc etc). I have an interview next week (got my new outfit for it by the way!
He's just phoned me up and told me that if I get the job then chances are my 2 weeks training will be during the summer holidays and he was hoping to work his shifts around my training and Jasmines school hours so he didn't have to take official time off but because of the summer break he can't do this!!!!!
Why do men say they can do things before they check that they actually can (I swear it's just to shut us up!
What makes this all worse is he tried to tell me I'm just as much to blame because I didn't remind him it was the summer holidays!
Sorry rant over!:cry: