Silver Member
I am looking after a gorgeous boy cat over the bank holiday. He's on antibiotics and tomorrow I need to return him. along with the remaining tablets. But can I find them? Oh no, we've raided the kitchen, even gone through bin bags full of used cat litter and dirty hamster sawdust and rotting chicken. Then to top it all off we went upstairs to search again and noticed a wet patch on my bed. I said not to worry, it wil be off my bath towel.... It bloody well isn't, it's sodding cat pee!!!!!! Gone straight through the covers and into the mattress. So we cleaned it up and started blotting it with tissue. Me fella got on the bed and hopped about a bit trying to blot it up.....And crack, my bed broke. A slat under the mattress snapped in two!! So now we're sat feeling defeated. Still no pills.Bed covers in the wash, me smoking, fella feeling guilty and as for the cat.... Asleep, not a care in the world...... What a great bank holiday........