O/T My doggie woes..


Full Member
Completely non diet themed.
My adopted chocolate lab is mid way through her first season since being with us, her previous owners had never noticed her having one which was probably due to her being over weight, but she's definately having one now. So I had to phone the vet to get a price on spaying and when I could get her done and I was suprised to find out it was only going to cost £153 not the £300 I was told the other day, but have to wait 3 months after the end of her season to do it.
Anyway I'm pleased, it won't cost the earth and the poor thing won't have to go through this again.
Am i missing something, but what the hell happened to the dog lol. Just read through the post and im still non the wiser :(
Ahhhhhhhh now i kinda get it lol ty
Did you get that Koala I sent you the other day on facebook !!
Yea i did, it tasted great with ketchup
oooooh tell me tell me!
ey up she ere. =]
hahahahi tottaly read that msg worng baby! i dint see the Koala bit and then when red said it tasted nice woth ketchup i thought it was a recipe hahahahahaha

i even suprise my self some times hahaha
:rotflmao: @ kae

sorry to hear about your lab skyegirl :( we've got a chocolate lab too.. she's 2.5yrs old and we're thinking about getting her spayed after her next season as she's started to suffer with it a bit... and the last season ended with a phantom pregnancy - poor thing really went through it :(
awwww pooor dawgies
I never planned to breed with her as she is 6 years old, I've only had her for 5 months and as far as I knew she had never had a season while her previous owners had her but then she was very overweight, so I was sad for her when it did happen as she's so miserable with it, she's such a clean dog and its quite messy, she's two weeks into this season and hopefully only has another week or so to go, walks are quite boring at the moment for her as she has to stay on the lead, I feel so sorry for her. I just hope we get through this with no womb infections or phantom pregnancies.
Beki I would seriously think about spaying her before the next season, when is she due for one? If I'd known Poppy was intact when I got her I would have had it done then to save all this hassle for her, but with her weight issues we had no way of knowing. Remember you will have to wait 3 months or so after the end of the "heat" until they will do the surgery because of the risk of bleeding.
I'd love to see a photo of your choccie lab, I just love them so much, they are adorable aren't they.
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well, she's due her next season this month... so it's a bit late now really :( we really should have had it done before now, but with circumstances and all that.. well, we just haven't got around to it yet :eek:

here's a few piccies of her (some of when she was a pup too) - her name's coco :D






