Is this normal?? I've noticed that my stomach starts cramping about two hours after I have it.
Wow mad that you should have posted this ...I had a gallete for the first time for my breakfast and come 10 my stomach was hurting ...odd !!!!

Hope someone has an answer :)
I have posted similar to this, but the oat bran has the same effect on me that particularly bread and pasta have, I do get stomach cramps, bloating and then diarrhoea. I was surprised that such a small amount of oat bran would have this effect (I have been very low carb for a year before starting dukan), so I stopped having it the last two days and feel much better. Are you guys ok with bread etc usually?
Grumpy Wino - great name by the way! It's odd isn't it? I don't know if I've even had oat bran before, what is it usually in? I can eat bread, pasta, rice etc until the cows come home and I don't get any side effects.
Grumpy wino ( I too love that !!!) I love bread but unfortunately it doesn't love me and yeah get stomach pains and bloating ....I don't usually eat carbs either So maybe that's why !!! Are you ok doing Dukan without including it ?????(shame as I loved my gallete this morning )
Apparently it is ok to skip it if there are problems but the weight loss might slower. Considering the effect it has on me I can see why!!
Thanks I'll have another go and see what happens if it does it again I'll give it up :)
GrumpyWino - Have you been checked for coeliac/gluten intolerance?
No, no need, quite happy to cut these foods out which I did a year ago. The treatment for such conditions is basically what I already eat! Having read Gary Taubes various works , and things like 'Wheat Belly' (I think that's the title) and various other books and academic studies I have greater concerns about the wisdom of eating such foods - the health risks are too great. My health dramatically improved when I cut these things out, I'm just cutting the fat dukan style to lose weight quickly following a period of stress (gotta watch those stress hormones), some skipped meals and last minute takeaways, plus long and demanding hours at work. I managed to put on a stone and a half rapidly......in the old days carbs used to leave me permanently hungry, tired, flabby.....as they would having read up on their effects....it's carbs and sugars that have dominated western food more recently that seem to be causing obesity, increase in heart disease etc....oh look I have written an essay!! Apologies if I upset anyone with this stuff, some people hate to hear it (particulalry the grain industry!!) but this was behind my own thread about the importance of the oat bran, it conflicts with much of the material I have read, so I can't see why it is so important for someone who is rarely constipated!
It might still be worth being checked for coeliacs, as gluten is in many many things other than the obvious grain-based foods, (I've found it it in packs of grated cheese for example, in mustard and in salad dressings!) - and can do very very serious long term damage.
Well had the gallette again yesterday and this time it didn't happen ...guess I'm ok x
That's good, I'm no doctor but if you had an intolerance it would happen all the time , I have IBS and know for s fact what sets me off even a small bite so I don't touch it. Maybe just the change of diet? Your body being grumpy because you stood up to it lol

Whatever it was good luck anyway and hope you become a looser like the rest of us :)
jan9209 said:
That's good, I'm no doctor but if you had an intolerance it would happen all the time , I have IBS and know for s fact what sets me off even a small bite so I don't touch it. Maybe just the change of diet? Your body being grumpy because you stood up to it lol

Whatever it was good luck anyway and hope you become a looser like the rest of us :)

Thanks jan I reckon that's what it was my body wondering where the scrambled eggs were and was in complete shock !!!!!
Haha mine has went in a strop a few times but I tell it NO!!! Make your your drinking enough water and eat looooooads of chicken until u feel your turning into one lol x
Haha yeah chicken ..... I must have eaten 3 full ones this week ;);)
My fiancé made a reference to me being a homeless tramp as I was so hungry I opened a cooked chicken from tesco and started eating it in the car home lol

I had to eat was starving! Lol
Haha I do my best to resist but I'm in it as soon as I get through the door (only coz I'm driving !!!!! )
I always eat en route from supermarket, driving or not!