I don't know what they are. Basically, the bags / boxes of plain porridge oats are a HExB and are your safest bet. I don't think any sachets of porridge can count as a B choice as I think they tend to contain powdered milk and sugar.
I don't know what they are. Basically, the bags / boxes of plain porridge oats are a HExB and are your safest bet. I don't think any sachets of porridge can count as a B choice as I think they tend to contain powdered milk and sugar.
Got told in our group last night that its because oats so simple don't have enough fibre in them (they've changed recipe + its not just oats) + only 28g whereas hex b of oats is 35g
There is not enough fibre in the 27g serving which is why you were always supposed to have a ryvita or scan bran along with it to boost the fibre. Most people did not bother with the ryvita and so were not getting the proper amount of fibre - thats why they were taken off the list