Recovering Cookie Addict
... for me to cheat in a big way this week? Oh wait, it was MINE, that's right... >.< Aarrgghh!! What an idiot I am. Although I have been back on track for 3 days now I am struggling. I'm not any hungrier, in fact on day 1 again I had no appetite at all (which was nice after being starving for 18 weeks lol) but what I *do* have is cravings and being the numpty I am it just so happens to be TOTM in a day or two so those cravings are compounded -.-
Every day I feel like walking over to the garage for something to munch on but I just know in my heart it doesn't taste like I remember and I'll just be annoyed at having to keep starting over. So, although Im supplementing LT to get me over this initial week, I'm determined to hang in there. Weighed myself today and am 2lbs over, water weight I guess as I really didn't eat a lot but it was all sugar haha, so am no longer sure I'll manage a STS this week as planned on Sunday. *sigh* Just giving you girls a heads up in case I log in here on Sunday whinging about my own stupidity.
On a side note, I just wanted to share with you that when I started my diet I had a pair of "thin" jeans in my wardrobe that I only ever managed to wear when I got to my previous lowest weight of around 14st. I put them on yesterday and they are now my fat jeans!! \o/ They pretty much fell straight down! woohoo, what a fab feeling that was.
And just one more thing, seeing as Im here, two people (online friends) told me yesterday I don't look my age, that I look younger
One friend even said I looked about 30
I love him forever now *obviously* haha and it truly did make my day. That's the first compliment I've had since losing weight and I was beaming even if it is a wee stretch of the imagination (I'm 40), I'll take it!!
Ok, I'll stop blethering now! xx
Every day I feel like walking over to the garage for something to munch on but I just know in my heart it doesn't taste like I remember and I'll just be annoyed at having to keep starting over. So, although Im supplementing LT to get me over this initial week, I'm determined to hang in there. Weighed myself today and am 2lbs over, water weight I guess as I really didn't eat a lot but it was all sugar haha, so am no longer sure I'll manage a STS this week as planned on Sunday. *sigh* Just giving you girls a heads up in case I log in here on Sunday whinging about my own stupidity.
On a side note, I just wanted to share with you that when I started my diet I had a pair of "thin" jeans in my wardrobe that I only ever managed to wear when I got to my previous lowest weight of around 14st. I put them on yesterday and they are now my fat jeans!! \o/ They pretty much fell straight down! woohoo, what a fab feeling that was.
And just one more thing, seeing as Im here, two people (online friends) told me yesterday I don't look my age, that I look younger
Ok, I'll stop blethering now! xx